Saturday, December 25, 2021


Welcome to the Crypto Gold Bank,

Dropping on NFT calender

The world's first to offer the best of both worlds,

Crypto aka digital gold and gold aka the slowest crypto

This NFT drop is the first mint from our bank.

We aim to offer public the best offers at regular intervals through our mints,

The first mint has arrived, grab the limited offer with just 100 gold bars, 100 silver cubes, 100 diamond rhombus, 100 pearls and 100 emeralds launched at a  price of 0.1 eth, 0.05eth, 0.11eth, 0.05 eth and 0.04 eth respectively.

These digital assets are meant to hold, as they gain value overtime like crypto and  are as stable as gold.

Grab the first mint before it sells out.

A metaverse plot and an amazing website with play to earn gold coins are under pipeline.

We plan to mint new gold and others every 45 days, make sure to grab this early mint soon,

Sale has begun already!!

Remember we don't mine our Mother Earth, we create digital assets that hold true value in the long run.

Best of luck to the investors

Join me on my discord, lets have fun